Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Best Friends

Yesterday while I was napping, Callie made a new best friend. My mother was holding Callie and Artard jumped up there and laid down also. Artard then put his little paw on Callie and Callie lowered her hand onto the cat. Too Cute!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Loren and I were married 2 years ago and the time has flown by too quickly. Eventhough it feels like we have been together forever. This past weekend, Loren and I were able to be sealed in the Boise Temple. It was a wonderful experience and I was so glad that our family and friends could be there with us that day. I couldn't imagine my life with out my sweet husband.

Loren, you are a wonderful husband and a great companion. I love you with all my heart. Two years down and an eternity to go.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Labor Day

Monday the 15th, we met with the Doctor and I measured at 4 cm and 80% effaced. The Doctor was quite shocked that I made it through the weekend. He was going to be on call on Wednesday and offered to do an induction if I made it to that day. The day came and we were at the hospital at 7:00am. We checked in and got settled into our room. They started an IV and had some issues with the first one and had to do another one.

They started the pitosin at 1 mg and every 15 min added 2 mg. I couldn't feel the contractions until about 11:00am. The pitosin was up to 21 mg when the contractions hit every 1.5 min for 45-60 sec. They were strong and long. After 5 of them, I signed up for my epidural. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me the epidural. The epidural hurt, but nothing compared to the contractions. After getting the epidural I looked up and Loren was standing there just staring at me. His face was so pathetic and sad. He felt so bad that I had to go through all the pain and there wasn't anything he was able to do.It was wonderful immediately after the epidural. The pain was gone right away. My body got heavy and hot. It was very nice. I did feel a little funny that I couldn't move my legs, and had a difficult time rolling from side to side. I was able to watch tv and even take a nap. My body continued to prep itself to have the baby. Around 4:00pm, my lower right back started to hurt. Loren started to rub it, but the pain wouldn't go away.Around 5:00 the nurses checked and said it was time to start pushing. After about 30 min of pushing, the pain in my back was very bad. Every time the nurse would lift my leg and put it down, I had sharp pain in the same spot and it started to shoot down my butt and into my leg. By then, I could feel all the contractions. They put me on oxygen and had me continue to push.

After 2 hours of pushing and not getting anywhere, the doctor suggested using the vacuum. I was ready for anything. The pain was quite bad and I was ready to give up and get a c-section. He started to set up and by 7:40pm he had the vacuum on the babies head and told me to push on the next contraction. While I pushed, he pulled the babies head up from behind my pelvic bone and the head popped out. We were suppose to call the NICU team down before having the baby (meconium baby precautions), but the baby came with only one push.The amniotic fluid splashed out while delivering the baby and got the doctor, nurses and I soaking wet. They quickly held up the baby and Loren got to announce that we were having a little girl. They wisked her off to her own bed. The doctor told the team that it wasn't a meconium baby and that everything should be fine. They still sucked out her lungs just to make sure.

The doctor got working on me and the nurses started working on our new baby girl. I couldn't see much of what they were doing on the baby. I only remember that the pain in my back was gone and I was so exhausted. The doctor stictched me up with me being able to feel everything, but it didn't come out like he wanted it too. He called for more epidural and a local anethitic, so I could relax and he could do the job he wanted too.

Even though the labor (pushing) part of the whole thing was 2.75 hours, it felt like it flew by. After about 2 hours in the delivery room, they wheeled us up to the recovery room. At this time, family got to come in and visit for a short moment. Loren went home to get some rest and the baby and I got some rest in the room. She fed at 2:00pm and then I sent her to the nursery and we both got some sleep for the next 4 hours.

On Thursday we decided on the name Callie Paige Turnbow, after much thought and consideration. We left the hospital on Thursday before the 24 hour delivery mark, and went home to try it on our own.

Loren and I are happy that we have this little spirit is in our home. We love her with everything in our beings. I can't imagine our life with out Callie. Even though there are hard times and sleepless nights, we still love her and will not have done this any other way.


Loren doesn't have to give up gaming to take care of Callie.

A look into Callie's Nursery

We didn't know the sex of the baby we were having, so we had to do the nursery in a unisex theme. After seeing a jungle/monkey theme in one of the stores I like, we decided to copy it a bit, but make it our own. We made the money pole behind the crib out of bamboo and leaves and then added the fun monkeys. I made the bumper pad and quilt out of the colors I liked. I had planned on doing something different with the window coverings, but once we found out how easy the bamboo was to cut, we thought we would change it up and use the bamboo as the curtain rod. I love how the curtains came out.
I still have a monkey, lion, and alligator cut out to hang with sayings under them, but just never got around to ordering the sayings and getting it all up. Hopefully I can do it this next week. This nursery will be great for Callie and any additional children.

First Walk

After being in bed all day, I decided take Callie out and join Loren and Bowser on their afternoon walk. It was a slow walk since I'm still in a bunch of pain and my legs/feet have swollen up, but it was great to get out and get some fresh air.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome Home Callie!

Callie Paige Turnbow
Born 3-17-10
8 lbs 10 oz
21 inches long

Monday, March 8, 2010

Your Guess?

We went to the Doctor today and I've progressed even more. I'm at 3 cm and 75% effaced. The doctor gave us a 50/50 chance of having the baby this week. He really doesn't believe I will go past the due date, so that is very exciting. People continually ask if I'm nervous and ready to get this baby out. I'm not as much nervous as I am excited to see and meet this wonderful spirit. Being pregnant isn't too bad. So many people want their baby out towards the end of the pregnancy, but my feelings are that the longer it is in there, the more I get done around the house. We will welcome this baby when it does decide to come into this world.

Which socks should I take to the delivery room? What sex do you think the baby is?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Loren!

Today is Loren's 29th birthday and I fall in love with him everyday. He is the best husband and will be the best father. He makes me laugh everyday. Most people don't get to see the side of him that I see, not even his best friends and his family. I'm so happy that I met him 5 years ago. I'm privileged that he asked me to marry him, and that we are able to have this baby together. Some of the things I love about him:
  1. His Humor
  2. His love for the gospel
  3. His love to cook
  4. The way he laughs (giggles) when I tickle him
  5. How excited he is about this baby
  6. How supportive he is of me
  7. How relaxed he is
  8. His random thoughts
  9. His willingness to help anyone
  10. Being himself
Loren, I love you! I don't know where I would be without you. You mean the world to me.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Baby Quilt

The past two days I've been working on the baby quilt, and today I finished it. I saw a beautiful quilt in a baby store and decided to copy it. I picked my colors, cut them in strips, laid them out randomly, and then sewed them all together. Then I quilted it all together and bound the edges. I washed it and ta da the old antique look. I love it. Now I need to sew on the ribbon for the bumper pad and finish up the window treatment and my sewing for the baby's room will be complete.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

16 days

I can't believe I only have 16 days left until my due date. I'm still having problems realizing that I'm pregnant. I know my belly is big, I feel the baby move nonstop, and I've got the aches and pains of the pregnancy; but I still don't have it in my mind that I'm going to be having a baby. If I only have 16 days left, when will I actually feel like I'm pregnant and realize that there is a baby coming? Now, don't get me wrong...I'm so excited to have this baby and find out the sex and see what it looks like, but my mind has not caught up with this pregnancy.

Monday, March 1, 2010

First day at home...

What am I suppose to do at home when I don't have to work? I have so much I want to do; clean the house, scrapbook, and sew. I guess I have to pace myself. So I've made a list of all the rooms in the house and am planning on cleaning one a day, and getting to the other stuff at night. That way the stuff I don't want to do is out of the way.

So today my project was to clean the laundry room and do all the laundry. That's not just Loren and my dirty clothes, but I'm washing all the baby clothes that are 0-6 months. Man...it is a full day work, having to fold all those baby clothes and organizing them in sexes and size. Good thing I'll get a break this afternoon with the Dr. visit. It is fun seeing all the little clothes that our little one will get to wear.

I guess I'm off to change another load.