Tuesday, June 29, 2010


What happens when daddy puts on Callie's clothes backwards? He has to fix it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The past couple weeks

Callie has discovered herself in the mirror. She loves this toy and it allows mommy some time to take a shower and clean the house.Callie has gotten strong enough to sit in her highchair. Loren and I love this because it allows us to have dinner together instead of eating in shifts. These pictures were taken the other day when I was eating some lunch. She looks so big in these photos, and I love her different faces in them.

This is right after she rolled over for the first time from her back to her belly. She continued to roll all day long. She rolled from her belly to her back several weeks ago, but her arm kept getting in her way from back to belly. She finally got her shoulder strong enough to lift her body over her arm. Even though she hates to be on her belly she will keep rolling over to it.

I love my little Callie bug and all her funny faces!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1st swim of the year

While we were back in Kansas, Callie experienced her first swim. It was short and sweet because your not suppose to put sun screen on a baby until 6 months and with Loren and my skin burning after 5 min in the sun, we only took her in for 10 min. She didn't show that she liked it or hated it, it was just new.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

To the man who works all day and comes home to changes diapers, gives baths, clean house, cook dinner, fix problems around the house, and take care of both Callie and I.

Happy Father's Day!
We love you