Sunday, May 27, 2012
The Furminator
Bowser sheds like crazy in the spring time so we bought this brush called the furminator. Bowser hates the thought of it and if he sees you coming with it he runs like a big chicken. If you sneak up on him and start brushing he absolutely loves it. As you can see in the pictures he is loving it on his belly. I've never seen him roll onto his back and lay this still, but he did. It looked like he was dead. I can't wait until spring is over and he doesn't look like a leper anymore.
Jordan Valley Rodeo
She even did well with going potty on the porta potties except for mommy shutting the door on her hand. I think we might make this a yearly visit out to Jordan Valley.
Just a few visitors
I was sitting at the computer one day and turned around to see this on the back of the house behind ours. It was a swarm of bees. It was just a little frightening to see how many of them there were. Some one called a bee keeper and he came out to get them, but there are still a few hanging around out there.
Photo Shoot for a friend
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Easter Bunny
Callie leaving out some carrots and lettuce for the Easter Bunny. She was so excited in the morning, when she noticed the Easter Bunny had taken a bite out of it.
Easter Egg Hunt
This year Callie had a blast with the Easter egg hunt. I hid the hard boiled eggs outside and after Callie found them all, we went in and colored them. She had 2 little helpers too, Lucy and Bowser. Callie was a little confused with the hard boiled eggs. She kept trying to crack them and was very frustrated.
Sorry about the no shirt pictures. Callie is very stubborn and wanted to do the coloring by herself but I didn't want her to get too dirty.
Even her Uncle Kyle got into the coloring. He said if he would have known we were going to dye eggs, he would have brought a couple dozen for himself. I guess there is always next year.
Sorry about the no shirt pictures. Callie is very stubborn and wanted to do the coloring by herself but I didn't want her to get too dirty.
Even her Uncle Kyle got into the coloring. He said if he would have known we were going to dye eggs, he would have brought a couple dozen for himself. I guess there is always next year.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Closet Organization
My plan is to do box for each self to organize everything in her closet. I'm so excited. Each box will have a different animal print to match her room. If anyone has extra Huggies boxes from Costco, I would love them so I can finish my closet project. Then I'll show you my final closet makeover.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Flip flop time?
It's still cold outside, but my child wants to wear flip flops already. This is what I get when I tell her to go and put shoes on if she wants to play outside.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Our little Cowgirl turns 2
This year I decided to throw Callie a little birthday party for her friends and family. We did a Cowboy theme.
Callie loved eating with all of her friends.
If you look at her face in this picture, you can see how excited she was. She absolutely loved every gift she was given.
Daddy's already playing with the barbie.
Happy Birthday Callie! We love you!
I searched on the internet for some ideas for a cake and this is what I came up with. I thought it came out pretty well.
Pin the tail on the horse didn't go as well as I thought it would (blindfolding 2 and 3 year olds wasn't the best idea), so instead we did animal activities.Callie loved eating with all of her friends.
If you look at her face in this picture, you can see how excited she was. She absolutely loved every gift she was given.
Daddy's already playing with the barbie.
Happy Birthday Callie! We love you!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Loren got a new tablet for his birthday and I think Callie uses it more than he does. I'm amazed how well she can work the tablet and my phone. Its hard to believe the technology she will grow up with that we didn't have. I couldn't image how different my childhood would have been. Heck I didn't have the internet until I was in College. Man, I'm getting old...I can't wait to see what kinds of things our grandchildren have.
For Callie's birthday she got some paints. She absolutely loves them. It has turned into a daily activity. Lately she has been forgoing the paint brush and using her finger instead. I love that she has become so crafty and imaginative.
Loren's getting older
This past March we celebrated Loren's 31st birthday. Loren really
doesn't like parties so he just wants something small. We celebrated it
just the 3 of us.
Loren didn't even want cake, but muffins. We even got all of those candles on one muffin.
Sharing some muffin and ice cream with his biggest fan.
Happy Birthday Loren!