Saturday, January 2, 2010


Life has been so busy around here for the Turnbows. We left on December 23rd to travel to Wichita. The flight was delayed out of Boise, and the ticket agent proposed that we take out the morning flight the next day. I told her no, and that she needed to find a different route. She then found a route from Boise, Denver, Dallas, and then Wichita. But would be an all day travel. She went ahead and put us on those flights, but kept us on our original flights. There we were sitting at the gate waiting the for the 2 hour late plane. As the plane arrives, the lady comes to us and says that the flights out of Denver to Wichita are delayed also. We are able to keep our original flights, but we will have to run when we get to Denver.
We got first class seats on this flight (of course we bought them because we needed refundable tickets, the baby and all). We arrived in Denver at 1:45pm and our next flight was suppose to leave at 2:00pm. Guess where that plane was? Yep, all the way across the terminal. So everyone in terminal B, got to see the fat pregnant woman run. We got there just in time to see that they hadn't loaded yet and to take a bathroom break. We ended up getting into Wichita a few hours late, but I'm glad it was on the 23rd instead of the 24th.
Christmas eve was the day my family was going to celebrate Christmas. My sister only had her boys on this day and we wanted to make sure everyone was going to be there. It was a wonderful dinner filled with ham, funeral potatoes, sweet potato casserole (2 kinds), zucchini casserole, brussel sprouts, corn, green beans, rolls, pies, and anything else you could think of. We stuffed ourselves and then decided to open presents, but before that we got to hear some music from Marquel on her violin, Parker on a trumpet, and John on his trumpet. It was very nice to hear people in our family play, because non of the sisters were very talented in the music department.Marquel playing her violin.
Parker playing the trumpet.
John playing the trumpet.
We ended up pretty good for Christmas presents. Loren and I both got a shirt and small nick nacks. We also got some money to spend on the baby (car seat/stroller). The baby ended up getting many things. A mobile for the crib, a stuffed monkey, and clothes. It ended up being a very good Christmas. Not only did we come away with the new stuff, my sisters handed me down 3 suitcases (about 100lbs) of baby clothes, toys, and even a breast pump. I don't think I'll have to buy any clothes for this baby, boy or girl.
Mom got a pack of cigarettes and thought it was that,
but in fact was a necklace within the package. Tanner trying to video Susan.
I'm so grateful for the generosity of my family and the love they show me every day. I know it is hard with me living 3 states away, but I love them with all my heart. It was wonderful to spend the Christmas season with them this year. It has been 5 years since I've been back for a Christmas. The traveling was hard being prego, and the blizzard while we were there wasn't pleasant, but I wouldn't have traded this Christmas season for anything.

John loading up the cars during the blizzard.

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