Tuesday, March 2, 2010

16 days

I can't believe I only have 16 days left until my due date. I'm still having problems realizing that I'm pregnant. I know my belly is big, I feel the baby move nonstop, and I've got the aches and pains of the pregnancy; but I still don't have it in my mind that I'm going to be having a baby. If I only have 16 days left, when will I actually feel like I'm pregnant and realize that there is a baby coming? Now, don't get me wrong...I'm so excited to have this baby and find out the sex and see what it looks like, but my mind has not caught up with this pregnancy.


Anjeanette said...

Us moms all understand. Your speaking the mind of a pregnant lady! So exciting.... Can't wait to see.....uh......it...no...him/her. LOL

Koreena said...

When I had my first and they held him up to show me in the deliver room I was like, "Uh. . .that can't be mine. That's like a real full grown BABY! No way that was in me!" LOL So I understand not feeling like it's all real. Even the first few weeks, I still couldn't get over that I had a baby, I just felt like maybe I was baby sitting for someone else! haha

Best of luck in the home stretch!